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Carrier® Performance™ Ductless Ducted Heat Pump

Model #40MBDQ

The Performance™ series of ducted-style ductless systems consists of a matched combination of an outdoor condensing unit and an indoor fan coil unit connected only by refrigerant tubing and wires. These compact indoor fan coil units take up very little space above the ceiling. Advanced system components incorporate innovative technology to provide reliable cooling performance at low sound levels.

This selection of fan coils permits creative solutions to design challenges such as:

  • Add-ons to current residential space.
  • Special space requirements.
  • When changes in the load cannot be handled by the existing system.
  • Historical renovations or any application where preserving the look of the original structure is essential.


  • Single-zone system
  • Select sizes meet ENERGY STAR® qualifications


  • Sound as low as 35 decibels


  • Factory-installed condensate lift pump
  • Optional wired controller